Play keep-out
You do not want to act first in this match-up, the first to bite is the first to die. Due to CC strength at low %s, it is common for Marths’ to wait in crouch for you to do something stupid.
You will want to try and hold center, walling out dash approaches using D-Tilt to control the ground and stuff movement. Whilst holding down, you have are CC-ing most approaches from Marth, allowing you to cover him dashing in on the ground and any unthoughtful approaches.
Tipper D-Tilt can send far enough away where you cannot get a punish apart from a D-Tilt, this is the reason for the “D-Tilt wars” at low %s.
The 2 aerials that beat Marth CC-ing are AC N-Air FF and D-Air. AC N-Air can sometimes be grabbed at low %s if it is not spaced correctly. D-Air only works past 7% and is a mix up on their D-Tilt timing.
If Marth starts to jump to beat D-Tilt, you should also start jumping to meet him in the air to anti-air him. But if the Marth also an instant aerial, you will want to whiff punish it or beat it out before the hit-box comes out.
WD forwards / run cancels are risky in this MU, but needs to be used to poke at Marth when he is dash dancing; Just watch out for Marth reading this and D-Air-ing you for it. You can dash back to whiff punish Marth’s moves due to his end lag on his moves, however this looses to him poking with D-Tilt.
Being bellow Marth is also strong as he has a hard time trying to get down. We abuse this in punish situations by being able to rack up high damage offa n U-Throw, even if none of it is true.
D-Tilt controls the ground in this MU, along with his long dash, this makes the ground a very strong place for both of us. If one Marth cannot wall out the other from the ground, they will loose to Marth’s dash dance.
Otherwise, if the Marth knows how to counter play D-Tilt, it becomes a RPS of choosing to D-Tilt, aerials, and whiff punishing. You do not want to be in the air, however its one of the best counters to D-Tilt. So when you jump, you will want to mix-up when you jump, as otherwise it could lead to you getting anti-aired and full comboed or getting F-Smashed in the face.
CC is very important at low %s, as all of Marth’s moves apart from a few risky options are cut off, and D-Tilt can be used out of crouch. This makes crouching quite powerful against swinging happy Marths’. To beat Marth’s CC, you need to ether space at full tipper range at mid %s so you can dash back before Marth can act out of CC, or D-Air him past 5%, witch can lead to a grab.
Once you have established center control, you will want to try and keep Marth in the corner. Due to Marth’s long dash, positioning your self within the dash will allow you to D-Tilt him, but be ware of his Grab; This becomes less of a problem near the ledge as Marth can no longer dash back. You will want to cut off any grounded approach using D-Tilt, only really leaving jumping out of the corner as a approach, which is a bad option we can exploit. If Marth jumps out of the corner, it could lead to him getting sent of stage; This a really good position for us as Marth’s recovery is very exploitable himself. If you don’t send Marth offstage, you can try getting him above you, and due to D-Air’s small size, he will struggle to get back down, just watch out for Side-B stalls.
This move controls the ground in this MU. On the ground, It can be beaten by CCing the weak part of it and D-Tilt-ing back or dashing out of crouch and grabbing it.
In the air, you can D-Air into a grab it past 5%; and at later %s, you can N-Air / F-Air him (after they break CC).
This move controls the air in this MU. Walling with F-Air stops any aerial approach by Marth. It is also really good at laddering Marth offstage.
This move is the equivalent of an aerial dash attack. Marth will be using U-Air to keep Marth above you, since you has no good options bellow you, you will struggle to get down vs him You will need to mix up between double jumping / air dodging to a platform / ledge and stalling with Side-B to mix-up timing.
D-Air is one of the best ways to stop you from D-Tilt-ing, however, to get anything off it, the Marth must fall with it, meaning he has to delay the D-Air. This means if Marth jumps predicable or does not mix up what he does when he jumps, we can anti-air him.
F-Smash is the fear that keeps you grounded, as if Marth reads you will jump and F-Smashes it, you will often die at 20%. However, due to its low lag, its easily whiff punished or shielded.
Just watch out for if the Marth predicts you will dash back, as its quite good at covering it, often times dashing behind F-Smash is better.
The easiest way to punish it is by using a full hard shield and doing a WD OOS to grab.
Marth might try to dash attack out the corner At when your at low % you can CC the dash attack and grab it. At when your at higher %s you can shield it (when the other Marth is at high %, you can up b him)
This move is stupid laggy, when he does it, its active for 30 frames, then vulnerable for another 30. If you don’t want to deal with active frames, you can just grab it, otherwise change a tipper F-Smash.
This move is negative on CC and offstage has so much lag you can easily go off and punish it.
Marth has a terrible time coming directly down, so we can exploit this. Just like Sheik, you will want to find your way underneath Marth, and shark him with U-Airs, F-Airs and U-Tilts. After not allowing Marth down, you will be pushing him to the corners, meaning as with Fox, you can then try to finish him off with a D-Air / F-Smash / Up-B, however, if Marth is at a higher %, these often wont connect, witch is fine as Marth’s edge guarding is really good vs him self.
F-Air -> F-Smash F-Air -> D-Air D-Air -> Grab F-Air -> F-Air
Edge guarding Marth is the key to killing him early.
You will mostly be spaced to hit bad up B angles with look away CC -> D-Tilt / F-Smash; This still leaves the mix up to WD to ledge (and you can run out of crouch to run off stage), but this only works past 7%, before that, you will need to be in any action, the best one is just another D-Tilt. Once the Marth shows (or you know) he will mix up how he grabs the ledge, you can start to ledge hog and start to hit him offstage.
Run off fair to cover double jump and Marth Side-B-ing close to the ledge D-Tilt -> instant run off fair works sometimes too.
Marth Side-B has 21 frames of recovery in the air and stalls him in one spot vertically. This makes it really easy to react to and hit him. If he goes bellow ledge, you can grab the ledge for i-frames and go off and B-Air him. If he is far enough out, you can run off and Up-B the Side-B / him going low. Although these options loose to Marth Up-B-ing early.
If he is horizontal to the ledge and is close enough, run off fair works to push him back.
If he is above the ledge and close enough, then you continue to shark him with F-Airs and B-Airs.
Mix up between F-Throw and U-Throw, their DIs are different for each other. F-Throw / D-Throw is really good at the corner, as DI in will kill them, but DI-ing out will set up for a mxi up edge guard, witch the Marth on stage can just wait and react to.
F-Throw -> Re-Grab F-Throw -> F-Air / N-Air F-Throw -> F-Smash U-Throw -> U-Tilt
U-Throw -> Juggle F-Throw -> Pivot F-Smash / Tech Chase
U-Throw -> Juggle F-Throw -> Pivot F-Smash / Juggle
If you send Marth(& sheik / low teirs) offstage with a throw at low %s, you should dash dance to make it ambiguous weather you will WD to ledge, or come off and hit them. While doing this, you can WD down to D-Tilt the recovery.
CC is very strong at low % vs Marth, so while your at low %, you should be using CC to punish bad approaches; Just watch out for D-Air.
After CC, you will want to grab Marth if he is close enough, otherwise do D-Tilt. If you think you won’t be-able to grab in time, do D-Tilt or dash back
When recovering VS Marth, you want to make sure to be mixing-up between going low and high, as well as how close you get to the ledge.
If you Side-B too close to the ledge however, you will be punished, especially if you Side-B bellow ledge, as the bubble Marth can cover increases from bellow the ledge.
Quick Marth Husband session back together
Speed ★★★★☆ Movement ★★★★★ Offence ★★★★☆ Defence ★★★★☆ Range ★★★★★ Out of Shield ★★☆☆☆ Boxing ★☆☆☆☆ Recovery ★★★☆☆ Ledge Trapping ★★★★☆ Edge guarding ★★★★★